Thursday, 12 April 2012

What Suzy Wore Today

Here I am wearing my cream chiffon dress by Next and some biker boots minus motorbike !

Todays frock rock is Billy Joel " Motorcycle Song"

Thursday, 5 April 2012

What Suzy Wore Today

Yes I know it's those tights again, I thought they had gone away for the summer , but alas no. I'm also wearing an Armani denim jacket.

Todays frock rock is Neil Diamond " Forever in Blue Jeans "

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

What Suzy Wore Today

Hmmm I can't believe the winter has come back , snow and more snow !!! I'm having to wear my winter coat by Next that I'd packed away .

Tofays frock rock is Foreigner " Cold as Ice "