Friday, 11 October 2013

Notes from a sick bed

Oh dear!....Feeling a bit under the weather, today.  So much so, in fact, that, like a Victorian lady with an attack of the vapours, I decided to take to my bed, give in to whatever is ailing me and wait for normality to return.  As I usually have the constitution of an ox, and, with the exception of colds or hangovers, rarely feel unwell, this is definitely bringing out my 'woe is me' side.....There is a plus though. Provided  I'm actually not at death's door, it's sort of quite nice to have a 'duvet day'...

Well last week saw the finale of Coffee and Collectables.  A great finish to what has been a hugely enjoyable 8 months.  I've had interesting conversations with lovely people who share my passion for beautiful things over delicious coffee and cakes.....I'll certainly miss it.  A big thank you and the best of luck to Russ.

Well that's about it for now..

Sue x


  1. Get well soon Sue sending you a get well soon hug :-) big change in the weather in the last few days it"s got much colder wish it could be summer every day ..Looking super Gorgeous in the beautiful Ugg boots pretty dress and leggings never seen that handbag before is that a new one? Sorry to hear c and c has closed sue ..when door closes another one opens so something will come up i"m sure i hope you can arrange a charity night sometime in the future would be fabulous to say a quick hello to you again sue happy memories in your blast from the past pic absolutely stunning and so so beautiful my fav pin up girl ! good luck always xx

  2. So So sorry to hear that you are not well,I hope that you will soon be up and about again. Love the pictures, wish I could tell what Ugg boots looked like.
