Sunday 2 December 2012

Suzy's blog

As I'm still still trying to get to grips with my new phone, (note to self, avoid phones cleverer tham me in future) I have decided to keep this blog short and sweet...Not a bad idea as this is my third attemp at writing this, the first two were accidentally deleted just as I got to the last paragraph....(a few unprintable words were flying about I can tell you!)
Anyway, what I'd like to say is how relaxing June has been so far, (apart from aforementioned phone) compared to a hectic May.  Plenty of time to catch up on a few things  that I've been putting off, new window display at C&C, a bit of buying and a revamp of my website, maybe even a you tube channel,  (blimey, sound and vision..eeek!)  So lots of things to get stuck into.
Hope you like the two recent photos,  no cartoon this time, a bit too much for my basic grasp of this phone..
Well I seem to have made it to the last paragraph again...Try to press the right key this time...Here goes!!!
Sue x

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